Laser Direct-Write Technology and Its Low Processing Temperature Low Cost Applications
-Article By David Lui Laser direct-write is a new processing technology that allows the rapid fabrication of micro devices and circuits. These micro devices and circuits find applications in a variety of areas such as microelectronics, photonics, MEMS, and MOEMS….
Fine Diamonds With Laser Machining
Of all materials, diamond is harder than any known solid, while also exhibiting the highest values for elastic modulus, atomic density, Debye temperature and thermal conductivity at room temperature. Diamond is chemically inert, and is highly transparent throughout a broad…
Laser processing works on a micro scale
Many of rhe components used in modern products are getting smaller. Feature sizes in integrated circuit (IC) tec hnology have been red uce d by approximately two orders of magnitude over the last three decades. Micromotors the size of a…