Innovation Continues at Potomac and in the Laser Industry to Foster Advanced Manufacturing
Potomac was honored when SPIE, a premier laser and photonics technical society, invited us to present the Prism Award recently at Photonics West. Co-sponsored by Photonics Media, the Prism Award recognizes advances in photonics innovation for areas such as 3D…
The Bright Future of Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
Bacterial infections are becoming much more difficult to treat as they become more resistant to antibiotics. In fact, it is predicted that by 2050 antimicrobial resistance will be more of a crisis to humanity than cancer. If doctors had a…
Potomac is Training the Workforce of the Future for Advanced Manufacturing with Maryland’s WorkSmart Program
At Potomac it is our people who have made us the success we are today. Whether working in laser micromachining, 3D Printing, CNC machining, hot embossing, laser hole drilling or microfluidics fabrication, our team manufactures the highest quality products for…
Laser Micromachining Nitinol Sensor Parts for Johns Hopkins University Researchers to Control a Medical Robot
As we see all too often, a cure that is considered state of the art in current medical practice may lead to future issues for the patient. Medical devices and biotech treatments may solve the immediate health issue and perhaps…
Giving Thanks for the People Who Contribute to Potomac Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing
Giving Thanks for the People Who Contribute to Potomac Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing Thanksgiving is a time to pause and appreciate the special aspects of our lives. Despite the recent contentious election, we at Potomac believe there is much for…
Manufacturing is Alive & Well at the AME Annual Conference
Last week over 2,000 professionals proved that manufacturing is alive and well in the USA at the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) annual conference in Dallas. A Potomac team member was invited to speak on the environmental aspects of 3D…
Potomac Celebrates Manufacturing Day 2016
Manufacturing Day 2016 is an annual celebration of modern manufacturing. Coordinated events throughout the country are meant to inspire the next generation of engineers, inventors, operators and technicians and show how innovation and entrepreneurship in manufacturing are impacting our world….
Potomac Video Series: Laser Micromachining Fixtures
At Potomac, laser micromachining is a key process we utilize to manufacture high precision parts for the biotech, medical device, microelectronics and consumer products industries. As we described in our series When to choose Laser Micromachining, ultraviolet laser processing can…
Johns Hopkins University Joins the List of Distinguished Organizations and Institutes That Have Partnered with Potomac Photonics for Rapid, Cost-Effective Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices
Potomac is excited to work on increasingly innovative applications of microfluidics technology as we push the envelope of advanced manufacturing capabilities. These so-called “Lab on a Chip” devices have miniaturized diagnostics to a point where affordable testing allows for highly…
Potomac’s Skilled Staff Takes You Behind the Scenes at Our Factory of the Future
With Labor Day approaching it’s a great time to celebrate the advanced manufacturing contributions our skilled staff make to the many biotech, medical devices, microfluidics, displays, microelectronics and other products that impact the lives of so many. In honor of…
Invisible Hole Backlighting
The latest entry in Specialty Applications section on our website updates our laser micromachining work to help develop invisible hole backlighting applications. Our customers in automotive, aerospace, medical equipment and computer products that utilize user-friendly displays, are finding that data overload is…
Potomac in the News: Baltimore Sun and Manufacturing Talk Radio Features Micro-manufacturing and the Factory of the Future
Potomac Photonics greatly appreciates when our innovations in advanced manufacturing and workforce development are recognized. Recently, two media outlets talked with our President and CEO Mike Adelstein, as well as our staff, to explain our unique 21st century approach to…