Celebrating A Nation of Makers  with President Obama

Celebrating A Nation of Makers with President Obama

Potomac Photonics | June 29, 2015

3095576.largeMaking, inventing, fabricating, creating: Activities that drive America’s innovation history and shape the economic landscape of the nation.

President Obama proclaimed June 12 – 18 a National Week of Making. Coast to coast, in cities and rural areas, Americans answered the President’s call to “renew our resolve to harness the potential of our time — the technology, opportunity, and talent of our people — and empower all of today’s thinkers, makers, and dreamers.”
Schools, scout troops, libraries, museums, and community centers hosted events featuring 3D Printing, laser cutting, coding, and a myriad of 21st century making tools.

It is now cool again to make things! From robots to prosthetic hands, shoes to jewelry, furniture to holiday gifts, and lots of items in between, makers of every age are getting their hands dirty and enjoying the creative process. The old concept of making something ourselves is now utilizing the latest and greatest technologies to propel the types of new products and services that drive healthy economies.

Many present-day American companies were the result of people who were compelled to make something with their hands. Starting with inventors such as Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, our nation’s history is rich with stories of company founders who were first and foremost inventors. Silicon Valley would not be what it is today without the likes of Hewlett and Packard toiling in their garage, or Jobs and Woz tinkering with new ideas for computer design.

At Potomac making is central to our history and philosophy. Our founder, Dr. Paul Christensen talks about his youth taking apart – and, putting back together! – radios and other electronic and mechanical devices. In the early years of the startup, he built by hand new types of UV lasers that are the basis of our current laser micromachining program.

Currently, Potomac is taking digital fabrication to new heights with hands-on innovation. Whether we are modifying machines to expand their capabilities or developing processes for specific applications, it is the trial and error of making that leads us to the most sophisticated results for our customers.

So many of our customers are also makers. From medical devices to biotech, consumer goods to sensors, we help inventors realize the potential of their ideas from prototype to production. But it is how these makers impact the world that is most compelling for us. Everyday we see entrepreneurs who are improving quality of life for people in so many diverse areas. For that reason, Potomac will continue to answer the President’s call to Make and hopefully in the process inspire more young people to join the Nation of Makers.


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